1.2_Calisthenics, Control, Psychedelics_Rico Mesa
The Colombian-born Dutchman, Rico Mesa, is a calisthenics athlete who competes internationally in events such as the WSWCF World Cup, Calisthenics Cup in The Netherlands, CCB Royal Barz, Call Out competition, Battle of the Barz, and many more. We speak about Rico’s methods to control the body, and what we can take away and possibly apply toward controlling the psychedelically altered mind. Discussion topics include: what drew Rico to calisthenics; training methods that enable him to do what most of us normal folks don’t do enough or not at all, such as meditation, fasting, cold therapy, breathing techniques, yoga, clean diet and herbs, celibacy, etc.; what is the mind’s “core” and how we can train it; his views on psychedelics and personal experience with iboga; and finally the notion that anyone can pick up new skills and routinize them, to make the uncomfortable comfortable, and as Rico says, calisthenics makes the impossible possible. Find out what Rico does to control his body and what skills you might incorporate into your own pre-trip preparation and post-trip integration routine to stabilize your experiences. Also, visit my Podcast Supplements article regarding afterthoughts of Rico and I's conversation (https://amhouot.com/21-ep2_calisthenics-control-psychedelics_rico-mesa/).
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